Friday, June 20, 2008

I. An Undetectable Computer Virus

This article is taken from David M. Chess and Steve R. White IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center. It talks about undetectable computer viruses. A certain virus should have its corresponding anti- virus but why is it that a lot of computer viruses are undetected. Numerous of computer viruses are prevalent in the world of technology some are being detected by some anti- virus software and some are not. These viruses have different names but there is only one thing they do, ruin files, the software and even the hardware of your computer which leads to total damage. That is not only, as stated in this article, no perfect algorithm that can destroy all the viruses that attacks in the computer. And it is true because even you have healed the infected files and viruses are being deleted still the viruses are coming back and infect your files. They also duplicate files, replace existing programs with copies of themselves, these are common results that are encountered or happened with the files. That is how powerful a virus. This article was made to give us an idea how harmful is the virus; we do not know when to attack and where it will attack. We can say that a virus is created in maximal form and detected in minimal way. However this article doesn’t discourage the anti-virus software producer that it is impossible to find an exact algorithm to eliminate the computer viruses that are undetectable.


Rendell said...

Computer virus is a typical problem, in digital world. As Technology continuously develops, this problem about computer viruses will still reappear. This is part of the technology.

Ariane said...

Ya viruses are like also spam messages because they are so irritating.. A lot of virus could hardly be detected maybe because they are more updated than the antivirus. Maybe it's more easy to create very destructive viruses than to create an antivirus. hehe..

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