Evaluation Criteria
The class participation grade will reflect an evaluation of the quality and quantity of students' contributions during class sessions over the course of the semester. Students are expected to have thoughtfully read and studied all assigned topics prior to class. Some class sessions will begin with instructor or student led questions and answers. Therefore, students should be prepared to discuss the assigned topics, answer questions, and contribute to group discussions at every class. It is unlikely that a simple read of the chapters and assigned materials will sufficiently equip students for class. Look for opportunities to apply the chapter's concepts to situations in class discussions and take time to write down any unanswered questions. It is also suggested that industry visits be conducted beforehand and relate assigned topics based on students reflections/observation in the industry.
Personal Journal
A personal journal gives you an opportunity to concretize your learning. The America Heritage English dictionary defines a journal as " a diary or record of daily occurrences". Each fortnight, you will submit a journal entry that summarizes new knowledge acquired as a result of your participation in the industry visits, reading of the assigned materials, as well as group and class discussions. The journal should also include any concerns and insights that you may have gained through external readings. You are expected to post your entry regularly in your own personal blog.
One of the major requirements in this subject is for students to have their own personal blog where they are required to document their work by blogging regularly. They are to investigate topics online and respond to critical analyses of one’s own work and talk about experiences by way of providing some comments and suggestion for every topic. Online assignment and exercise are given regularly. They are required to read and comment each others’ work.
Case Study/Assignment/Exercises
Individual case study/assignments/exercise should be posted in the MyWebForum as well as in the students personal blog. Students are required to read and fully understand the reminders especially in the area of plagiarism.
Major Paper:
A technical report of the chosen technology detailing the past, present and future technology together with the draft sketch intended for the diorama should be submitted before the final presentation of the Prototype.
Teaching Methods
The course will be taught through a combination of lectures, class discussions, film viewing, case studies, diorama, and first-hand accounts from IT experts.
Grade Weights
Grade points will be assigned according to the weighting scheme shown below. Weighted grade points will be summed, a course grade will be assigned based on this value. The maximum grade you can earn for the requirements defined above will be a "100" or its equivalent given that you submit high quality assignments, do effective group presentations, participate consistently in class discussion and the submission of the major paper.
Class Participation
(Major Paper/presentation/sharing, etc.) - 60 %
Case Study/Assignment/Exercises - 30 %
Personal Journal/Blog - 10%
Students should refer to the campus Student Scholastic Rating Passbook for further information regarding grading policies, scholastic delinquency, Grading computation, academic load, and student services.